Heb je altijd al willen leren hoe je persoonlijke teksten voor een trouwceremonie schrijft? Hoe je je stem gebruikt om een verhaal krachtig en prachtig neer te zetten? Wil je dat de mensen aan je lippen hangen als jij een verhaal vertelt? Je hart openen zodat je de mooiste liefdes- […]
Read MoreArticles by: Linde ten Broek
Dare to dream. BIG!
I check in with her and ask my questions. They are about my dreams, my visions. The pictures I keep on receiving when I tune into my business Back2nature and health & wellbeing. And my strong believe in the power of nature. The power to blossom. It seems like something […]
Read MoreAccepting a NO
In my profession as a freelancer, I am used to the process of starting and ending projects. I know that I love to start new initiatives, want to learn more and more and do a lot for my clients. New clients and clients I work for during a longer period. […]
Read MoreThe art of slowing down
When I am looking around me at home, I see books about forest bathing, healing trees, daring to rest and plants. A lot of plants. The literature makes me happy and really speaks to my heart. The moment I came in contact with forest therapy and EcoNIDRA yoga I knew, […]
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